
Explore the world of hypnotherapy, a powerful tool for stress relief, anxiety management, and behavioral change. Learn about the applications of hypnosis in pain control, hot flash relief, behavior modification, and addressing cancer treatment side effects. Understand the hypnotherapy process guided by therapists, emphasizing relaxation and goal visualization. Gain insights into the controlled nature of hypnosis, dispelling myths from movies and television. Discover the potential for self-hypnosis as a skill for personalized well-being, applicable after medical treatments like chemotherapy.

Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images. When you’re under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.

Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain. It’s important to know that although you’re more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don’t lose control over your behavior.

Why it’s done

Hypnotherapy can be an effective method for coping with stress and anxiety. In particular, hypnosis can reduce stress and anxiety before a medical procedure, such as a breast biopsy.

Hypnosis has been studied for other conditions, including:

* Pain control. Hypnosis may help with pain due to burns, cancer, childbirth, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint problems, dental procedures and headaches.

* Hot flashes. Hypnosis may relieve symptoms of hot flashes associated with menopause.

* Behavior change. Hypnosis has been used with some success in the treatment of insomnia, bed-wetting, smoking, and overeating.

* Cancer treatment side effects. Hypnosis has been used to ease side effects related to chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

* Mental health conditions. Hypnosis may help treat symptoms of anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress.

What you can expect

Your therapist will explain the process of hypnosis and review your treatment goals. Then the therapist will typically talk in a gentle, soothing tone and describe images that create a sense of relaxation, security and well-being.

When you’re in a receptive state, the therapist will suggest ways for you to achieve your goals, such as reducing pain or eliminating cravings to smoke. The therapist may also help you visualize vivid, meaningful mental images of yourself accomplishing your goals.

When the session is over, either you are able to bring yourself out of hypnosis or your therapist helps you end your state of relaxation.

Contrary to how hypnosis is sometimes portrayed in movies or on television, you don’t lose control over your behavior while under hypnosis. Also, you generally remain aware of and remember what happens during hypnosis.

You may eventually be able to practice self-hypnosis, in which you induce a state of hypnosis in yourself. You can use this skill as needed — for instance, after a chemotherapy session.

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